I usually set up a Run Weekly desktop folder to assist in keeping your computer free and rid of Spyware (Spybot) and Adware
(AdAware) and to allow you to control what starts when your computer starts (Windows Start Up Inspector).

You can view a description of Spyware and Adware and the two applications at the following web site:

at www.brickrow.net

Click on Technology

Then, EMail/System Problems

The discussion of Spyware and Adware is written near the beginning of the page.

Complete instructions, including screen pictures are on the site, causing it to take a while to load.

I recommend these two products be run on your computer on a weekly basis as part of your system maintenance.

The 'Run Once in a While' Folder contains the Windows Start Up Inspector software.

The Windows Start Up Inspector will display all programs that begin when your system starts up. Usually, I leave just the basic application software to start with Windows which will allow you to identify what needs to be active. If you find that additional items show up in the future, the check mark in the beginning of the line can be removed. If that is done, click on 'Apply' and then close the Inspector. The next time you start your computer, your changes will take effect.

I recommend the Start Up Inspector be run on a 'once in a while' basis.

I have written the above based on my experience and there are no warranties, either stated or implied.