and Other 'Modern/Political' Thoughts/Items for
A headline story today,
January 17 2024:
By Social Links for Michael
Goodwin Published Jan. 16, 2024, 10:21 p.m. ET
January 16 2024
This is a communication
from an unlikely source worth reading and passing on:
VA ripped for helping pay migrant
treatment as over 400K veterans, their families
wait (
> The Department of Veterans
Affairs is facing blowback for helping pay out
millions of
dollars to medical providers who treat illegal
immigrants while they are in federal custody
while a backlog of hundreds of thousands of
claims from veterans has grown.
> The VAs Austin, Texas-based Financial
Services Center (FSC) has been contracted by
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) since
2002 to process reimbursement claims by providers
who offer services to detained migrants.
> In fiscal year 2022, which ended Sept. 30 of
that year, FSC processed 161,538 such claims,
with the ICE Health Services Corps (IHSC)
paying out an average of $584 a total of $94.3
million in taxpayer money, according to a July
2023 Department of Homeland Security
report on Healthcare Costs for Noncitizens
in Detention.
> In the previous fiscal year, 2021, ICEs
health care arm budgeted more than $74 million
for the VAs FSC to assist with outside
referral care
and medical claims processing, according to a report from July 2022.
> Meanwhile, the pile of
benefit claims by veterans and their families awaiting adjudication has grown to 417,855,
according to the
VAs own website up from around 150,000
as of late 2022.
> Migrants who trekked across the Rio Grande
into the US surrender to the Border Patrol before
being moved to a migrant facility for processing.
James Keivom
> When contacted by The Post, the VA was
adamant that the veteran claims backlog and the
millions of dollars doled out to migrant health
care providers were not related.
> VA does not provide or fund any health
care to ICE detainees, VA spokesman
Terrence Hayes told The Post.
> This involves no more than 10
employees and is fully funded by ICE.
This has no impact [on] veteran care or services,
Hayes added. At no time are any
VA health care professionals or VA funds used for
this purpose.
> Should shock American
> A handful of Republican lawmakers ripped the
VA for working with ICE to pay for medical
treatment of people who they say shouldnt
be in the US at all.
> I am a disabled veteran and get 100%
of my health care through the Veterans
Affairs system, Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.),
a retired Navy SEAL who sits on the House
Committee on Veterans Affairs, told The
> Rep. Derrick Van Orden has long been
outspoken about the VA. CQ-Roll Call, Inc via
Getty Images
> It is incredibly insulting to our
veterans who risked our lives defending this
nation, and it should shock the American
taxpayers that the Biden administration is using
VA resources to provide health care to illegal
aliens, he vented.
> Van Orden added that the VAs work with
ICE is despicable and needs to be stopped
while noting that many veterans have to
travel hours and wait weeks to be seen at a VA
> The office of Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.)
accused the Biden administration of playing
word games.
> They cant deny that theyre
using Community Care Network providers for
By definition, that means worse options for our
veterans, a spokesperson for the senator
told The Post, referring to non-VA practitioners
who offer services to veterans such as urgent
care, surgeries and dialysis.
> Tommy Tuberville has backed legislation to
prevent the VA from allocating resources to ICE.
Getty Images
> The program thrived under President
Trump, but President Biden is now actively
pulling back community care options for our
This giveaway to illegals is a slap in the face
to our veterans and its a slap in the face
to the taxpayer.
> Last month, Tuberville and Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.),
who chairs the House Veterans Affairs
Committee, unveiled legislation that would have barred the
VA from using its resources to provide
health care or engage in claims processing for
illegal migrants.
> Bidens bureaucratic backlog at
the VA built up as they took bubble baths on the
taxpayers dime. Not another second
or dollar meant for veterans
should be wasted to Band-Aid Bidens border
crisis, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) told The
> Joni Ernst slammed the VA over the contract
with ICE. AP
> No calls from anyone who has served
our country should go unanswered, but the Biden
administration has made its priorities clear by
valuable VA resources to process illegal
immigrants. Our veterans deserve better,
added Ernst, an Army veteran who,
like Tuberville, sits on the Senate Armed
Services Committee.
> Outright disgrace
> Other renowned veterans expressed similar
> Mark Geist, a former Marine who was part of
the annex security team that fought in Benghazi back in 2012, recalled how
he founded the Shadow Warriors Project to address critical gaps in
veterans care.
> To find out that the Biden
administration is reallocating funds from the VA
and giving them to illegal immigrants, who did
not serve this country,
is not just a disappointment; its an
outright disgrace, he said.
> As a Marine, Im frustrated, its
a blatant betrayal to those who sacrificed for
this country.
> Another ex-Marine, Chad Robichaux, who
helped lead one of the largest civilian evacuation
efforts from
Afghanistan and founded the Mighty Oaks
a veterans support organization, bemoaned the VA
backlog while veteran suicide rates hover at all-time
> image001.pngChad Robichaux has long been an
advocate of policies to help veterans. Marine
Corps Installations West
> To see millions of taxpayer dollars
taken from our veterans to instead incentivize
and care for an invasion of illegal aliens
is a giant slap in the face to America and to the
military community, he said.
> Every time we think this
administration has reached a grotesque low, they
dig deeper.
> Kate Monroe, also a Marine veteran and the
CEO of, which provides disability
benefits claim
services for veterans, railed against the VAs
work with ICE.
> Not only are veterans pushed down the
chain behind migrants at the VA, they are also
being made homeless because the
VA HUD VASH program was allocated to migrants as
well, she complained.
> Never should a veteran be
deprioritized for anyone, let alone a non-citizen
who entered our country illegally, she
It is disheartening to witness VA resources
stretched to assist non-Americans
when those who risked their lives for this nation
are already suffering.
> Last month, the advocacy group Concerned
Veterans for America eviscerated the VA policy
and implored Congress
to enact legislation barring the department from
its contract with ICE.
> The White House has been assisting in Senate
negotiations for a package to address border
security. AP
> The
VA was created to serve the veteran, the brave men and women who served and
sacrificed for our freedoms.
Right now, under the Biden administration, the VA
is failing our nations heroes, the group said in a statement.
> Not one more veteran should lose their
life waiting for care while the VA focuses on
priorities outside of its core mission.
> During fiscal year 2023, the VA claims it
provided more than 116 million appointments to veterans, shattering its previous record.
Above article can be seen with images
> inthe NY Post at:VA ripped for helping pay migrant
treatment as veterans, their families wait (
> In response to the outcry, the department
claimed to The Post that its goal remains to
deliver the best health outcomes to Veterans,
whether thats at VA or in the community
through one of our partners.
> Lou
> Luis (Lou) J. Alers
> Retired Affairs Officer
> Marine Corps Installation East
> Bldg60, Rm #153
> Molly Pitcher Road
> MCBCL, NC 28542
> 910-451-0287
> In our
country the lie has become not just a moral
category but a pillar of the State.
> Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
October 6 2023
use either Edge or Firefox to play the above video)
July 16 2023
Here is a little item regarding ClimateChange to ponder
Farmland Lost is Farmland Lost Forever
By Tom DeWeese|July 14th, 2023
By Tom DeWeese
July 14, 2023
Farmland lost is farmland lost forever. That
catchy phrase is a popular slogan distributed by the
Virginia-based land trust called the Piedmont
Environmental Council (PEC). While its an accurate
statement, apparently, the PEC and its like-minded Green
brethren are only concerned about losing vital farmland
to housing developers. Meanwhile, thousands of farmers
and ranchers are losing their industries to radical
environmental policies supported
and promoted by such groups. Obviously, hypocrisy runs
deep in the leftist Green movement.
However, farmland is under attack across the nation,
mainly under the guise of climate change and
environmental protection. Lets review some of the
main threats Americas farmers are facing.
The central unifying issue driving the attack on Americas
farming industry is climate change.
SUSTAINABLE! Thats the trigger word driving the
attack on farming. Green activists say we face an
impending apocalypse and so society, they warn, must
pursue a stated goal of achieving sustainable
development or all will be lost. Sustainable
development determines how food will be grown,
processed, packaged, and marketed. Very specific rules
determined what kind of crops may be grown, and how much
land may be used for that purpose, while much of a farms
private property is forced into open space for habitat,
wetlands, and supposedly endangered species.
Meanwhile, Bidens Energy Czar, John Kerry, has
accused small farms of being significant emitters of
nitrogen. Of course, this is the primary attack on cattle
for their burps, flatulence, and manure. The current term
is Climate Smart. As sustainable development
forces higher costs on the farmers, Bidens massive
inflation makes it nearly impossible for farmers to stay
While the Biden cabal is pushing to maneuver it all into
place, the real driving force is being driven by the
World Economic Forum (WEF) and its Great Reset agenda.
The WEF has actually launched something called its New
Vision for Agriculture (NVA) initiative, which it defines
as a roadmap for Stakeholders. Stakeholders
are not farmers, property owners, or others in the
agriculture industry. They are Non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) many of whom have been working
directly with the United Nations for decades to direct
climate change policy.
The World Economics Forums New Vision for
Agriculture initiative is led by 17 global companies that
are Industry Partners of the Forum, according to
the WEF/McKinsey report. It continues, the 17
global companies that championed the initiative are
Archer Daniels Midland, BASF, Bunge, Cargill, The Coca-Cola
Company, Dupont, General Mills, Kraft Foods, Metro,
Monsanto company, Nestle, PepsiCo, SABMiller, Syngenta,
Unileve4r, Wal-Mart Stores, and Yara International.
Now add the funds of private foundations such as the
Rockefellers, Blackrock, and Gates Foundation, then the
true road map of those stakeholders and their funders
begins to emerge. These forces are NOT protectors of the
environment; they are destroyers of it and 0ur current
living standards.
Now comes the implementation of the plan. How do they
intend to ultimately change the entire food production
system of the nation and make it sustainable? Answer:
target the land.
Wind and Solar
Reports from the solar industry as far back as 2017,
indicate that the Midwestern states are the growing
hotspot for solar and wind power to replace
traditional coal and gas power plants meaning
thousands of acres of valuable farm land would be
required to replace
current energy sources that now use only a few acres. A
World Bank study published in 2017 admitted that clean
energy technology is significantly more
material intensive than hydrocarbon energy sources,
and that estimate didnt even consider farmland
The solar panels are made of plastic which takes
oil to produce. Underneath those solar panels that run
end to end, row by row, for thousands of acres, is cement
for infrastructure wires.
Little can grow underneath them no grass, no
animals. Thats how farmland is being destroyed.
.....skipping to
the end:
Small, independent
farmers are facing extinction. Their replacement will be
powerful corporations that will no longer cater to
consumers. Instead consumers will have to accept what the
big corporations decide to provide fake meat and
Americans must stand up to save and protect farmland
because American Farmland lost, is America lost forever.
The entire item can be seen at:
July 14 2023
I am unable to verify the accuracy of this story)
OFFICER - Sgt. Terry Urbaniak
TO: Anyone who will listen
FROM: A retired old school cop
SUBJECT: 86 & 12
That was the score 4th of July (2013) weekend in Chicago.
86 shot (actually puncture wounds) twelve dead, Chicago
stopped counting graze wounds and only counts actual
bullet holes now, you don't count if you get your nose or
ear shot off. Chicago is also a city three quarters of
which is unsafe to walk in. The thug and gang infested
South, West and East sides are expanding like a cancer,
while the few remaining safe neighborhoods are shrinking
annually due, largely in part, to scattered site housing.
This is the crowning achievement of our politicians and
the social engineers, who long ago decided that big, bad,
brutish policemen were no longer needed. So, it came to
pass that, in the 1970's, they started allowing females
onto the department. That did away with height and
strength requirements. They then decided that the correct
rainbow of colors was needed. To accomplish this, they
lowered the aptitude tests and created quotas. That did
away with intelligence and integrity requirements. Of
course, gays could not be excluded, either. The ideal
candidate for promotion became a black transvestite with
a Spanish surname.
Our weapons were next on their agenda. Blackjacks, sap
gloves and the like were banned. Our shotguns were moved
from the front seat to the trunk, from the trunk to the
radio room and, from there, just disappeared. New
ammunition was issued, which was so inadequate it would
ricochet off of car windshields. And God help you if you
hit someone with your flashlight.
Finally, the politicians got rid of the real Policemen.
The old dinosaurs were lured into early retirements and
replaced with internal
affairs weenies and gays with a decent sprinkling of
color. The brutish "Old Clancy" stereotype was
laid to rest and replaced by "Officers Ken &
Barbie." The end result is a department that is
befuddled, cow towed, hamstrung, weak and totally not
feared by the thugs and gang bangers, but oh so
politically correct.
The City has succeeded in ridding itself of the brutish
dinosaur cops of old and has replaced them
with little girls and college yuppies who wouldn't know a
bad guy if he shit in their face. They have invented new
politically correct terms like Wilding and Flash Mobs to
describe black Mob Violence, which is rapidly spreading
into the once "Safe Zones" of Michigan Avenue,
River North and Wrigleyville.
After you have been shot, raped or robbed, Officers Ken
& Barbie will arrive and write a most excellent
report with perfect grammar and punctuation, which will
be fed into a state of the art computer, which will
crunch and manipulate the numbers precisely. Me, I long
for the old days when Clancy crunched and manipulated the
thugs before I became the next victim.
All of this in the most corrupt city, most corrupt county,
most corrupt state in the country, whose political
leaders zealously and vehemently fight to impose the most
restrictive gun control legislation in the nation. If you
believe Officers Ken & Barbie are going to protect
you and yours, you had better get your head out of your
butt and smell the coffee.
Old Clancy is retired.
It's now up to you to protect yourself.
Rejoice, oh liberals. You have gotten exactly what you
Hope you enjoy it!
a retired old school cop (from O'Brien Street)
Here is one from the
other side:
...and from an Internet Search for same:
April 12 2023
Speaking of Climate Change and its effect
they want to put on all of us:
If Babe Ruth were alive today, hed
hit 70-80 round-trippers per season
thanks to
wait for it
climate change.
Uh, what?
Since the East Coast hasnt turned into Waterworld
yet, the climate change zealots must keep digging for
some legitimate proof that the CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS is
Dartmouth College released a study tying warmer (driven
by global warming) temperatures to more home
runs in Major League Baseball. Warmer air is thinner air,
so baseballs travel farther.
So what's the solution here? Do we need to build
temperature-controlled indoor stadiums for every team, or
maybe make fans hold their breath so they don't emit any
carbon dioxide? It's all ridiculous.
Flawed logic, though, because while there have been more
homers in the majors this year, the minor leagues have
not seen an increase. Climate change is elitist,
The hot air that could inflame our planet and extinguish
life as we know it comes from ludicrous studies
such as this and the methane-expelling blowhards in media
that repeat and cheer such pablum as FACT.
On cue, the lefty media outlets are lapping up this
nonsense. The AP, Newsweek, NBC News, NPR, CNN - they're
all touting this study as if it's some kind of
groundbreaking discovery.
And the headlines are always definitive.
The Washington Post: Home runs are increasing with
climate change.
At MRC, we counter the left-wing bias of media with the
truth. And we mock them for their absurdity.
The climate change syndicate is less concerned about the
planet than power, control, and money. Al Gore has been
enriching himself off his climate change fearmongering
since his An Inconvenient Truth documentary,
even though he has been wrong about every cataclysmic
event that his global warming predictions claimed would
have occurred by now.
"And what about the power-hungry leftists in The
White House force-feeding electric cars on us and working
on taking away our gas stoves and fluorescent lightbulbs?
Its only just begun. Ultimately, climate change is
simply a pretext for the left to control every aspect of
your life."
It is outrageous; unfortunately, the mainstream media is
not honest about it.
Instead, they persist in promoting their left-leaning
ideological gibberish.
And they refuse honest and open debate youre
a climate denier if you resist!
Here we are in 2023, discussing how climate change
supposedly turns baseball games into 9-inning home run
Has the film "Idiocracy" come to pass?
And as far as the trend of more global warming-infused
homers, heres another inconvenient truth,
CNSNews reports there was a steep drop in home runs in
the Majors in 2022.
Perhaps there was one year of global cooling?!
Want the facts? Keep your eye on the ball with CNSNews;
well keep you informed about whats REALLY
happening with todays top issues without the bias.
And if youre tired of the press balking on the
truth, NewsBusters will separate fact from left-wing
fantasy for you.
Thanks, and keep swinging for the fence. (no global
warming necessary)
Patrick Bampfield
Digital Communications Strategist
Media Research Center
November 20 2022
New Jersey Herald
You Should Worry About The FBI, Zero-Click and Eroding
American Freedom | Napolitano
By: Andrew P. Napolitano
November 17, 2022
Christopher A. Wray
American lawyer, and current director of the U.S. Federal
Bureau of Investigation
During the Trump administration, the FBI paid $5 million
to an Israeli software company for a
license to use its zero-click surveillance
software called Pegasus. Zero-click refers to software
that can download the contents of a targets
computer or mobile device without the need for tricking
the target into clicking on it. The FBI operated the
software from a warehouse in New Jersey.
Before revealing any of this to the two congressional
intelligence committees to which the FBI reports, it
experimented with the software. The experiments
apparently consisted of testing Pegasus by spying
illegally and unconstitutionally since no judicially
issued search warrant had authorized the use of Pegasus
on unwitting Americans by downloading data from
their devices.
When congressional investigators got wind of these
experiments, the Senate Intelligence Committee summoned
FBI Director Christopher Wray to testify in secret about
the acquisition and use of Pegasus, and he did so in
December 2021. He told the mostly pliant senators that
the FBI only purchased Pegasus to be able to figure
out how bad guys could use it. Is that even
In follow-up testimony in March 2022, Wray elaborated
that Pegasus was used as part of our routine
responsibilities to evaluate technologies that are out
there, not just from a perspective of could they be used
someday legally, but also, more important, what are the
security concerns raised by those products. More
FBI gibberish.
Last week, dozens of internal FBI memos and court records
told a different story a story that has caused Sen.
Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon and a member of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, to question the veracity of Wrays
testimony. Wydens healthy skepticism caused the FBI
reluctantly to reveal that it had ordered its own version
of Pegasus, called Phantom, which the Israelis tailor-made
for hacking American mobile devices.
Here is the backstory:
The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution was written to
preserve the natural right to privacy and
to cause law enforcement to focus on crimes, not
surveillance. The instrument of these purposes is the
requirement of a judicially issued search warrant before
the government can engage in any surveillance.
A search warrant can only be issued based on probable
cause of crime demonstrated under oath to the issuing
judge and a showing that the place to be searched or
person or thing to be seized is more likely
than not to reveal evidence of crime.
As well, the warrant must specifically describe the place
to be searched and things to be seized.
Warrants can only be issued for investigations of actual
crimes that have already occurred, not for experiments.
The Fourth Amendment contains some of the most precise
language in the Constitution, as it was written
intentionally to thwart the rapacious appetite of
governments to snoop, which the British did to the
colonists using general warrants.
General warrants were not based on probable cause of
crime and lacked all specificity. Rather, they were based
on government need a totalitarian standard because
whatever the government wants it will claim it needs
and they authorized the bearer to search wherever
he wished and seize whatever he found.
The Fourth Amendment was intended to put a stop to
general warrants. As we know from the wildly
unconstitutional FISA court and the NSAs secret
criminal spying on all Americans, that amendment, like
much of the Constitution, has failed abysmally to
restrain the government.
Now back to the FBI and Phantom.
In July 2021, President Joseph Biden personally put a
stop to the FBIs use of Phantom, and the
congressional intelligence committees assumed that that
was the end of it.
Yet, last week, when reporters revealed the results of
Freedom of Information Act requests for
memos and court documents pertaining to Phantom, a
different story emerged. The documents that the FBI
furnished show a vast determination by FBI management to
showcase and deploy Phantom to FBI agents and other
federal law enforcement personnel.
The procedures under which the House and Senate
Intelligence Committees operate require that secrets be
kept secret. Thus, when the FBI director testifies before
those committees, the representatives and senators who
hear the testimony may not reveal what they heard to the
press or even to their congressional colleagues. Wyden
has apparently had enough of law enforcement deception
and secrecy. Hence his complaints in letters to Wray
letters that more or less tell us whats
going on.
All of this leaves us with an FBI out of control and run
by a director
who has been credibly accused of misleading Congress
while under oath a felony and whose agents
have been credibly accused of conspiracy to engage in
computer hacking also a felony. Who knows what
other liberty-assaulting widgets the FBI has in its
toolbox about which Wyden and his investigators have yet
to learn?
When Daniel Ellsberg courageously removed the Pentagon
Papers from his office and gave them to reporters
from The New York Times and The Washington Post, he was
charged with espionage. The papers revealed that Pentagon
generals were lying to President Lyndon B. Johnson and
Johnson was lying to the public about the Vietnam war.
During Ellsbergs trial, FBI agents broke into the
office of his psychiatrist and stole his
medical records so as to use them at the trial. The
federal judge presiding at the trial was so outraged at
the FBIs misconduct that he dismissed the
indictment against Ellsberg, and the government did not
appeal the dismissal.
The Ellsberg break-in took the FBI a few hours and was
destructive and dangerous.
Today's FBI could have done the Ellsberg heist remotely
in a few minutes. Todays FBI has agents who are the
bad guys they have warned us about. Todays FBI has
morphed from crime fighting to crime anticipating. Today's
FBI is effectively a domestic spying operation nowhere
sanctioned in the Constitution. It should be defunded and
Andrew P. Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court
Judge, has published nine books on the U.S. Constitution.
Andrew P. Napolitano
This article originally appeared on New Jersey Herald:
The FBI, zero-click and eroding American freedom
November 5 2022
A couple of random thoughts.....
November 3 2022
Fellow Americans:
As the day draws closer, the real
polls look very good for Republicans to take the House
and Senate,
but that does not take into consideration the Democrat
and Media "ends justify the means" approach to
retaining power.
They will do whatever it takes, election laws be damned.
We absolutely must get ourselves, our families, and our
friends to the polls to kick these far-left Marxists out
of office.
We have seen what just 22 months of complete chaos
created by these America-hating individuals has done to
our Country,
and we must stop them now. Your vote is the only defense
standing between the Constitution and the collapse of our
children's futures.
Let us hope that sanity, common sense, and American
Patriotism prevail next Tuesday, so that come January 1st,
we may begin to apply bandages to the wounds which our
Country has suffered. It is your Country, and your vote.
Make it count.
Brian Goff
October 27 2022
A Letter from the
Unknown Soldiers
We who are interred in this Tomb of Unknowns in Arlington
National Cemetery are forever anonymous. You will never
know our names, nor will you ever see images of our faces.
Whether we were black or white, of Asian, Hispanic or
Native American descent is of no consequence, for in our
hearts we were all Americans.
We deeply valued the freedoms bestowed upon us by our
founders, and God, which have made the United States of
America the most exceptional country in the world. We
served this Nation to the best of our abilities, and when
the time came, we made the ultimate sacrifice for the
country that we loved so dearly.
Regardless of weather, twenty-four hours a day, seven
days a week, we listen to the twenty-one steps taken by
the sentries of the Old Guard. We watch them as they
salute us to show that we have not been forgotten. We
witness the hundreds of thousands of visitors who come
every year to show their
respect and reverence for our past deeds, and we have
felt gratified by their presence through the many decades.
But we also feel a sense of trepidation. It is a fear
that all is not right with our Nation. And we weep.
Not for ourselves, but for our impossibly divided Country.
Have we battled fascist dictators and laid down our lives
in the process, only to have our homeland descend into
chaos and lawlessness? Do blacklists and censorship have
a place in the United States of America that we defended
to the death?
Are we to believe that religious persecution in any form
is acceptable in a country where every person is created
equal and every human life
is supremely valued, including the unborn?
Should we accept the premise that placing our Nation in
an untenable position by amassing tens of trillions of
dollars in debt that cannot possibly be repaid, is the
best course for our Nation to take? And worse yet, should
that debt be held by China, a country that would imprison
its own citizens in re-education camps, and allow a
lethal virus to spread to the rest of the world for its
own economic gain?
Should not the Democrat and Republican parties of our
great country be ashamed of
themselves for allowing these conditions to deteriorate
to this level? We are of the belief that there is no
excuse, not one, for any political partys interests
to be put before the good of this country.
We ask these questions not to cause dissention or strife,
but as a wake-up call to all Americans of every
background and belief. We have done our duty, now you
must do yours. You must do what is right for the United
States of America first, not as an afterthought. Resort
to debate, but not violence.
Remember that we are all Americans with equal rights and
we are to be
governed under the same equally applied laws.
A country without fairness, equality, and justice is just
another China, Russia, or Venezuela.
We, the Unknown Soldiers of Arlington, are but a small
fraction of those who have died fighting for the rights
and freedoms that you enjoy today. We ask that you
remember that fact and come together as Americans to
reconcile your differences. Do this so that we may
continue to hear the sentries of the Old Guard march
those twenty-one steps in front of our Tomb two hundred
years from now.
October 24 2022
Thoughts From the Fishin' Pier...Looking back at Covid
Some are still being told that you have to continue to
wear that 'useless' mask, made in China. Disappointed
Perhaps this is my typical proletarian reasoning for a
complex event in our history, but it's the conclusion I've
come to.
Forgive me for being too simplistic.
First of all...the how and the why.
In retrospect it is becoming increasingly obvious to me
and many others that the Covid virus was created by the
unlikely alliance of American corporate greed and
Communist Chinese aspirations for world economic
domination in a manufacturing lab facility
bankrolled by American pharmaceutical companies and our
own dark government establishment. It was manufactured
for the explicit intention to be released,..... not by
accident,.... but intentionally at the most opportune
time to put a stop to the blossoming economy that was
taking place worldwide and especially here in America in
the latter months of 2019 and to give the Chinese economy
which was approximately ten years behind the West
globally the chance to catch up.
The pharmaceutical companies were salivating over the
thought of unlimited profits and power that awaited them
in their creation of poorly researched and tested
antibodies and hastily released
vaccines for a virus they themselves were instrumental in
creating.. Not to mention the various government
establishments, ours primarily but others as well, who
envisioned the solidification and untouchable state of
their power base for many years to come. Thus, the virus
had far reaching benefits for almost everyone except the
common citizen.
A perfect catapult into world-wide totalitarian socialism.
The totally bogus and also intentionally planted story of
the virus being the result of the filth found in the
Chinese "wet markets" near the Wuhan district
near where the laboratories that did the research and
creation seemed an entirely plausible story to con the
gullible western news media at the time
based on the deplorable conditions found in those hideous
markets. That too was part of 'the plan'.
The fact that the Chinese intentionally let the virus
loose on their own population to start the spread seems
difficult to comprehend in our myopic view of Christian/Judeo
life values, but is completely believable when you take
into account that the same Communist government
intentionally killed tens of millions of their own
citizens just fifty years ago in the 1970's during Mao
Zedong's purge of their society dubbed the " Great
Cultural Revolution" (a fancy Communist phrase for
wholesale murder and genocide) of those Mao and his party
deemed politically troublesome.
The fact that the basic ingredients used to create the
virus come from bats made the fabrication all the more
possible to sell to the exploitable news media and
hence the public since bats are considered by some a
delicacy in those parts of China. A fact that, to us in
an "enlightened" society, seems repulsive and
rightly so..
The American establishment power structure especially
being threatened by an 'outsider' the likes of Trump (who
they previously enjoyed a fond relationship with because
of his wealth and celebrity charisma) and his surprising
support among the general population which was becoming
increasing 'fed up' with establishment government along
with those in other countries saw this as an opportunity
to regain control of the population by invoking
ridiculous draconian rules and regulations on the
populous, who it was found, was more than willing to
jettison common sense to protect themselves from an
invisible threat to their comfortable and oblivious
lifestyles. Even today, there are those that can be found
driving by themselves in a car with totally useless masks
still covering their faces anxiously waiting to be jabbed
with unending 'booster shots"
until they're dead in their graves...which is an
increasing possibility.
And now, with rebellion again rising in the ranks of the
common man as evidenced in the coming election and the
threat of Covid-19 having diminished, the same unholy
alliance is working on a new strain of the virus that'll
be even more effective in thinning the ranks and making
the proletariat more controllable and subservient. Don't
throw that useless designer mask and pocket-sized
antimicrobial dispenser away just yet.
No...Like just about anything in society today, you only
have to follow the money and power, which is one in the
to arrive at obvious conclusions as to who instigated the
biggest con job in history and to why it was... and still
is..... being perpetrated.
Step back and ask yourself who gains the most at our
October 22 2022
To the Editor:
As November 8th draws closer, we are witnessing the
largest outlay of money both for political ads and
to buy votes for Democrats that we have ever seen. The
medias left leaning bias is on full display as
there are no serious questions asked of Democrat
candidates. Outright lies (and gibberish)are spewed by
President Biden and the White House which are never
challenged or followed up on by the bobble-head reporters.
Plausible deniability, smoke-screens, and gaslighting
have become regularly used utensils in this White Houses
Saul Alinsky provided toolbox.
The far-left fanatics know that they have overplayed
their hand and now in the final days of this election
cycle there will b no limits on the tactics used to
retain power as poll after poll
indicates just how angry the American people really are.
One of the major mistakes made by the far-left was to
believe that Americans whose careers require them to
get dirty in the normal course of their jobs,
were stupid. Carpenters, plumbers, landscapers, and many
other tradesmen are some of the smartest individuals you
will encounter. They work hard for a living and are quick
to separate reality from Biden-speak. Farmers deal with
cow-manure on a regular basis, so they know exactly what
it looks and smells like. And they can tell that the far-left
and Washington D.C. is full of it.
You do not need a degree in economics to realize that
your living expenses have increased dramatically, whether
it is filling your fuel tank, a grocery cart, or paying
the electric bill. Working class Americans are ready to
take back this country from the far-left who have
kidnapped common sense, accountability, morals, and
virtue. There is a reckoning upon us and it will be
We live in a society where the far-left treats animal
abuse as a much more serious crime than
the termination of a human baby two days before its birth.
Think about that for a moment. This is not the rationale
of intelligent people.
This is a government out of control in every respect,
from economic insolvency, to raiding the homes of
political opponents. In the year 2022 we are about four
chapters into Orwells book 1984. The
time has come to stop reading, and to start writing our
own book.
The date of publication will be November 8, 2022.
If you are still reading this letter, then you know what
you must do on November 8th: Vote for every Republican on
the ballot and send these socialist-communist-marxists
back to the landfill from which they came.
Let's say that at some point, solar panels will produce 50% of
our electricity during the daytime and if it is sunny.
All will be well then....
Now, in the evening and darker days, how will the power
companies make up for the 50% number?
It has been said that the power generation engine takes a
while to start and produce power
allowing for start up and shut down waste.
Seems like the use of hydrogen or similar fuel might be
the route to take.
The sometimes hated utilities have a point when they say
solar can hurt them and one
of the reasons I have attempted to detail above.
If they do not ramp up spare daytime capacity the hours
of darkness will be a problem.
No time here to get into the days when it is at least
partly cloudy......
We need cheap and easy to produce power storage
facilities along with alternative fuel for the
existing and future power generators and it does not
appear to be on the
horizon but yet we are told it is time to move to
electric everything in spite of large
unresolved issues like raw materials and recycling.
As another aside, I will not relish the idea of having a
heavy duty item drawing
a similar heavy load in my garage for a long period of
time allowing for auto battery charging--and
what about the charging and load capacity for those who
have 2 or more vehicles?
Lots of draw would seem to provide more chances for
serious problems.
BTW, Hydro power does not care if it is daylight yet it
is almost always avoided in the discussion about
alternative energy. It does not pollute and does not stop--especially
here in NY where
government monies for subsidies do not seem to be a
problem-or so they say.
There has to be a lot of money in the making of batteries,
panels, etc. and not much in using our vast hydro
and as an aside, our 46 panels produce up to 70 KWH per
averaging about 1200 per month(July '22 figures were a
Daily average of 54 and the month was 1,681).
Naturally this depends on the month.
That is a lot of power and it completely covers our needs
for months
mid-March through mid-October with a surplus that is used
up through November and early December.
During the winter months we don't do so well but it is
more than zero.
In 2021 our monthly average for the entire year produced
was 930.
March was 850 while October was 660
So far in 2022 it is 1,040.
It seems like these solar things are real but do require
Further, we are providing excess back to the Utility
every day except in the evening when they are the 'battery'
we don't have and if they weren't there, it'd be
dark with the generator taking over--
if there is Natural Gas (and for as long as the unit
hangs on.)
Note, some benefit from generators, their maintenance,
their purchase and the like and
that is how America works--someone provides something
someone else needs and so on.
food for thought and discussion.