December 16 2023

Happy Birthday Barbara!

Plants set for Winter 121623
Sunny February and not a cold winter but sure had a lot of rain!


Very Good Garlic Information Site:


July 21 2024

another dying leaf or two
so I picked some. The scape-
carrying one is noticably smaller as
is advertised.


Checked out the number of dead leaves and picked one on July 8th




Harvested this one on July 5th
Trying to decide when to do it.
It has been 2 weeks since the Scapes were cut


May 9 2024


Little Guys from Last years Scape Seeds



April 13 2024



  April 4 2024


March 28 2024



March 11 2024





December 5 2023


   November 16 2023 

November 9 2023




October 26 2023


Once again all 10 Bulbs were purchased from Stantons in New Scotland-may as well stick with a winner!


Note-the patch on top contains the garlic 'seeds' that will be there for a coule of years...saving the portion to the left for another planting




October 18 2023




Note-Garlic will not survive in flower boxes-
I tried in the Fall and Spring.
Onions thrived in the same flower box containers-and I will use/expand next year.


September 4 2023

All of the plants were completely brown so I gathered them and here are the results-surprising as
in previous years they were harvested when half green and not as early as this year. I harvested about 45 or
more plants and they are all hanging in the basement and more than half are grocery store sized bulbs
I did save some scape baby cloves and will plant them in a separate
location as they are supposed to take an extra year to grow into full sized bulbs.
These cloves are about the size of popcorn kernels.



August 2 2023
Harvested the 1st Garlic as more than half of the leaves were brown.
These Stanton Farms cloves were planted November 7 2022
Very good sized Bulb!


July 17 2023

How about these scapes!-let some go to seed for testing


June 5 2023


May 2 23

April 14 2023



April 6 2023


February 14 2023


December 12 2022



November 29 2022


November 25 2022


November 20 2022




November 17 2022


November 13 2022

November 12 2022

November 10 2022



November 7 2022


November 5 2022



 November 3 2022

November 2 2022

  November 2 2022  (flower box)


October 31 2022


October 30 2022


October 26 2022


October 19 2022


October 17 2022

....and in a flower box!


October 15 2022



October 19 2021


March 23 2022



2021 Crop
Ready For Harvest-August 13 2022


  Sept 28 2021