Welome to the Brick Row System and E-Mail Problems/Discussion Page!


Below is an index to questions I am frequently asked along with my responses.
Hopefully my opinions are helpful. Please remember that these are my opinions and, while they usually will produce the result indicated, depending on your possibly unique situation, the results may not be as expected.

That being said:


Outlook Express Spyware and AdWare Windows Start Up Inspector
  Clean out the Cache Files Change/Set Home Page
Disconnect Issues brow.cc dial up access How to E-Mail Pictures
  brow.cc web mail access How to Cut and Paste


You may have a different version of Outlook Express or Internet Explorer, but the look and feel is about the same.
I will try to detail where there are subtle differences that may not allow an option to appear.

Click below to view the desired details:

Why am I getting disconnected from the Internet-usually shortly after connectingt?
Mail server cannot be found or there were errors locating the server
Why do I keep getting this mail subsystem delivery error
How do I set up and use the address book
Why do I I get a long pause at one particular message and the status bar does not move at all
Using Outlook Express Message Rules to Control Spam (Junkmail)-Discussion #1
Using Outlook Express Message Rules to Control Spam (Junkmail)-Discussion #2
How do I send/receive attachments
Unable to view attachments
How do I set or reset My Internet Home/Start Page?
How to boot into Safe Mode
Cannot Click On Links in Outlook Express Mail Message
Troubleshooting Unable to Send EMail in Outlook Express
How to set up your Brick Row Outlook Express Account
Why am I receiving Duplicate E-Mails?
I am frequently disconnected from the Internet and talk about Call Waiting-connection problems

A. Why am I getting disconnected from the Internet:

           1)     Every time I send and receive mail?


Some users of Outlook Express report that they are being disconnected from the Internet immediately after sending and receiving their e-mail. Most likely this is because Outlook Express has been configured to do just that. To turn off that feature:

  1. In Outlook Express, click on Tools and select Options.
  2. Click on the Connection or Dial Up tab.
  3. You should see a box labeled Hang up after finished sending, receiving, or downloading.
  4. If there is a check in the box, remove it.
  5. Click OK.

You should now be able to stay connected after checking or sending mail.


        2).     After a certain time period, say 15 Minutes or some 'regular' time:

      In Outlook Express, there is a setting that will automatically disconnect the computer from the Internet if the system is idle for the specified period of time. While this can be a nuisance, it also saves time accumulation in the event you get called away and mistakenly leave the connection active. However, here is where the setting is located in case you want to make a change:

     While Outlook Express is open, go to Tools on the Top Line Menu and click on Accounts when the menu drops down. Double Click on the named connection you use for the EMail. On the subsequent screen, click on the Connection Tab and then click on the Settings button. When the next screen opens you will/should see a Tab titled Options. Click on the Options tab and in the center of that screen you should see something like "Idle Time Before Hanging Up". This is the timer of sorts that begins when the computer is online and idle and, when it counts down to Zero, the connection will be taken down. If you make a change, you will need to Apply the change and then 'OK' your way out.

       This should help you to deal with the situation.


B. I keep getting error messages similar to "mail server cannot be found or there were errors locating the server". What is wrong?


When this message is received, the Computer is unable to establish a connection to the server it needs to get to in order to retrieve or send mail. At the time you receive the message, try to bring up Internet Explorer to access the web. Chances are you will receive a similar message saying that the 'server or address could not be found'. This, coupled with the email error message would indicate that you are not connected to the Internet.

You may also want to see the problem/resolution in item A Above.

If you get to this point, check for the 'two little computers' down near the clock. If they are not there, you will need to (re)dial the internet to get connected. If you are able to get to the web or get mail, but not both, then there may be either a delay with the one or one could be temporarily down.


C. I know I am sending to the right address. Why do I keep getting this mail subsystem delivery error?


The message you are receiving means one of three things:

  1. You have not typed in the user name correctly. The message will tell you that if this is the case. It will say "User Unknown". Make sure the user name is correct and make sure that you are not using any upper case characters. Most Internet addresses consist of only lower case letters and many servers are sensitive to this.
  2. You have not typed the domain name correctly. Again the error message will tell you that. It will say "Host Unknown". Again, verify the spelling of the domain name and check case sensitivity.
  3. The e-mail address you are sending to no longer exists.


D. How do I set up and use the address book and how do I set up a mailing list?


  1. Give the list a name.
  2. Click on Select Members.
  3. Click on a name from the left.
  4. Click on Select.

    Repeat for all users you would like to add. If there is someone you would like to add who is not in your address book, click on New Contact.

  5. Click on OK and then OK again.

E. While retrieving mail, I get a long pause at one particular message and the status bar does not move at all. What is causing that?


This is invariably caused because a well intentioned "friend" or relative has sent you something really big (for example: There is an animation that features a rendered baby that dances to the beginning of "JailHouse Rock" that people send around because they feel it is cute. It is over 2 megabytes in size.)

E-mail was never intended for file transfer of this size. E-mail is based on ASCII, so any binary (graphic, program, movie, etc.) file has to be converted to ASCII before being sent as e-mail. This can expand the file by up to 40%. Frequently it is easier to encode something than it is to decode it, and it can take hours, even days, to decode a really big message as it comes in.

What can you do now?


F. How do I set up mail filters using Rules Provided in Outlook Express?


                     DISCUSSION   METHOD #1


                           DISCUSSION   METHOD  #2


Message Rules

Outlook Express's Message Rules can help filter in your e-mail and note the emphasis on "in". What you need to do is have the message rules check for the e-mail addresses you wish to allow in to your mail folders.

What I do is set up my message rules as follows but not in this order, for the order of them, I'll put that at the  bottom in the step by step of the messages rules.:

1) Check for e-mail from particular people and do nothing to it, it then lands in my Inbox. I do have a couple of other rules setup before this one that highlights the e-mail from some of those people in particular colors.

2) Now I have a series of message rules that sort out the various mailing lists I subscribe. Each will go into it's own folder.

3) I also filter on Undisclosed-Recipient. I, personally don't like Bcc: messages so they're dumped into the Deleted Items folder or removed from the server.

4) I filter on empty To: or Cc: lines and empty From lines. You'll see some spam e-mail that those lines are empty. So since it's 99.9999999% of the time, spam I dump that off the server and never see it.

5) I filter on some keywords, such as "Investigate" and various forms of it.  These morons  sending spam on how to investigate someone is a joke. The info they give and some of the software they sell is just a list of things anyone would think of.

6) Now, my last rule is e-mail that is sent from replies to my posts in the newsgroups or from my web site (old but still gets a lot of hits) from everyday people but it's moved into a "Stuff" folder. It's mail I'll read but it's not as important and that in my Inbox. I do get to it quickly but it's secondary..


Ok, so how do we set up these rules?

The message rules are made up of different sections, four of them:

1) Select the conditions for your rule:
2) Select the actions for your rule:
3) Rule description. Here there are underlines values you will edit.
4) The name of the rule.

So in each rule I'll number each section it belongs so if you see the same number listed more than once, there are more items selected in that section so check each box.

So, off to the races.

Rule #1

I name this one No @ because this is the one that the From line is empty. No respectable mail list will send you one with these lines empty.

Tools | Message Rules | Mail

Press the New button.

1:  Where the From line contains people.
2:  Delete it from the server.
3:  click on the 'contains people'

A Select People dialog appears,  type  in the character @ and then press the Add button or press ENTER.

Now press the Options button. Select Message does not contain the people below.

Press the OK button. It will now read Where the From line does not contain the '@'

Press the OK button.

4:  name the rule  No @

Press the OK button and the first rule is now set. You'll notice a check box next to it, that's for you to select to turn it on (checked) or off (unchecked).

Rule #2

This is where I get those that have nothing in the To: or Cc:  lines.

1:  Where the To or Cc:  line contains people.
2:  Delete it from the server.
3:  click on the 'contains people' and type the @ character. Press the Options button and Select Message does not contain the people below.  Press the OK button then press the OK button again.

4: name the rule No To: or Cc: line

Press Ok button and the rule is set.

Rule #3

This rule is one I use to set the color for the people's e-mail I allow in my Inbox and do highlight it with some color. I don't do all of them, just particular ones. You'll have to decide if you want to use this rule, it's just useful to me to tell from a distance who the e-mail is from. It has nothing to do with spam and then you also have to decide who you want to allow in your Inbox.

1: Where the From line contains people
2: Highlight it with color
2: Stop processing more rules.
3: click on 'color' and select a color to use.
    select 'contains people'  and type in the person's e-mail address. Note, don't type their name because the filters work on the e-mail address and not the display name. Press the Add button and then the OK button.
4: name the rule the particular person's name.

Press the OK button, this rule is now set.

Rule #4

This rule is set up to allow only particular people in your Inbox. Again, you may not want to use this rule but it's helpful to me because particular e-mail from family or some others is a bit more important than the rest.

1: Where the From line contains people
2: Stop processing more rules.
3: select 'contains people'  and type in or select from your address book the people you want to add to the list. Press the OK button to finish adding from the address book and press OK again to close the list.
4: name this rule Allowed to Inbox

Press the OK button and this rule is set.

Rule #5

This rule is duplicated numerous times for me. This is used to filter the mailing lists I subscribe and move them to their own folders. This one you have to look at how the list arrives each and every time. It may have the same subject, the same reply address (From line) or the same To: line. So for the first section, you have to select the appropriate line.

To see how the message headers arrive, press CTRL F3 and look at several of the messages to see what's the same thing.

1:  Select one of the first three lines in this section accordingly to how you are going to filter it.
2:  Move it to the specified folder
2:  Stop processing more rules.
3:  select the 'contains people'  or 'contains specific words'  whichever it may be and add the information you need, be it the e-mail address or the words in the subject line.
4: Name the rule the name of the mail list

Press OK and this rule is set.

You can copy the rules and make changes as needed. On some it may make it a bit faster to set up.

Rule #6

This rule is where I check all the rest of the mail coming in against my e-mail addresses in the To: or Cc: lines. If it's not any of mine it gets put in the Deleted Items folder.

1: Where the To: or Cc: line contains people
2: Move it to the specified folder
2: Stop processing more rules.
3: select 'specified'  folder and select the Delete Items folder or create a new folder to put it all in.
3: select 'contains people'  and put in all of your e-mail addresses.
Press the Add  button or ENTER after each one. Now, press the Options button.

Here you have one choice to make if you only have one e-mail address listed. There are two choices if you have more than one.

For only one address, you will only select the Message does not contain the people below.  then press the OK button twice then name the rule in section 4.

For more than one e-mail address, you will select the one above but also Messages matches any one of the people below.  You will see it there is an OR between each address. The logic is as follows, If it's not this one  OR not that one OR not that one.......  then it doesn't match what you want. Press the OK button then press the next OK button.

4: name this rule JUNK   or whatever you want.

Rule #7

This is my last rule in the line. It's for everything else that hasn't been filtered and it's moved to my Stuff folder.

1: For All Messages
2: Move it to the specified folder
2: Stop processing more rules.
3:  select specified'  and select or create the folder you want it to be moved to.  You can't select the Inbox and if you could, it would defeat the purpose of this rule. It for all the mail from anyone else that may send e-mail to your e-mail addresses that are checked.

4: name the rule:    The Rest Of It

Press the OK button and the rule is set.

Press Ok button again and you e-mail is now set to be filtered. Your load of spam will be cut considerably from being noticed.

Note: The notes in Message Rules Method #2 were originally listed at the following site:




G:   How do I send/receive attachments?



              Unable to view attachments:



How do I set or reset My Internet Home/Start Page:

When you are on the Internet using Internet Explorer-or any other browser, at this point,
Click on Tools(on the top line),
then, on the drop down menu that follows, click on Internet Options.
That screen will show an item titled 'Address' with a box next to it showing an address.
Whatever site address is there is where the computer will go when you start the Internet Explorer.
If you want, say, www.brickrow.net to be there, just erase the one that is there, type in www.brickrow.net and go to the bottom of the page and click on 'Apply' and then 'OK'.

The next time you start your browser or when you click on 'Home', the browser will bring you to the address you keyed in above!


How to boot into SAFE MODE:


Instructions on Booting into Safe Mode:

Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, designed to start Windows as minimally as possible. This also means that all of the programs that are set to run when Windows starts will not be run. This is invaluable when attempting to clean off unwanted files that may otherwise be locked in place by a running program.


1) Save any work you have on the computer, and prepare to shut down. You will need to print out these instructions or write them down, since your computer will be turned off.

2) Once your computer is off, hit the power switch again to turn it back on. Now, the next bit will vary slightly depending on what computer you have, whether it is a Dell, Compaq, Gateway, etc.

The computer will probably display a logo or a bunch of text about what it's doing when you turn it on. This is the BIOS going through it's routine checks as it starts the computer. This is separate from Windows, and happens before Windows is even loaded.

3) Now, before you see the Windows logo (i.e. the "Windows XP Professional" screen) you'll need to press the F8 key at the top of your keyboard. A good way to do this is to just start pressing F8 repeatedly once you turn the computer on until you reach the Windows boot options screen, which should look like this if you are on 98/ME:

this is supposed to be an image

or like this:

this is supposed to be an image

if you are on XP/2000.

If you did not get to this screen, turn your computer off and start pressing F8 earlier, because you missed it.

4) Now, this is the fairly obvious part: use the arrow keys to highlight "Safe mode" or "Safe Mode with Networking" if you are on XP/2000 (the networking means you will be able to get on the internet if you need help) and press ENTER to select it.

5) Now once Windows boots, it will probably look odd because you havent loaded your video drivers so it will have funny colors and so forth. Once you are finished with Safe Mode, simply restart the computer and it will automatically reboot into Normal Mode.





When you attempt to use Outlook Express to send mail from a hyperlink, to send mail by using the "Send To" feature of another program, or to send mail by using the "New Message" feature in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Outlook Express may not be used to send the message.


This issue can occur if:

Outlook Express is not registered as your default e-mail program.
An entry for the default mail client is missing in the Microsoft Windows registry.


To resolve this issue, register Outlook Express as the default e-mail program. If this does not resolve the issue, or if Outlook Express is already registered as the default e-mail program, edit the Windows registry to correct the default mail client string values.


Register Outlook Express as the Default E-mail Program

To register Outlook Express as the default mail program on your computer, use one of the following methods:

In Outlook Express:
1. In Outlook Express, click Tools, and then click Options.
2. On the General tab, the Default Messaging Programs section states Outlook Express is NOT the default mail handler; click Make Default, and then click OK.
3. Try to send mail from a link or another program.
In Internet Options:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Internet Options icon, and then click the Programs tab.
3. Under Internet Programs, click the E-mail list, and then click Outlook Express.
4. Click Apply, and then click OK.
5. Try to send mail from a link or another program.
From the Run line (if the Outlook Express and Internet Options methods do not register Outlook Express as the default e-mail program, use this method):
1. Click Start.
2. Click Run.
3. Type the following line, including the quotation marks, where drive is the letter of the drive in which Outlook Express is installed, and then click OK: "drive:\program files\outlook express\msimn.exe" /reg

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How to troubleshoot error messages that you receive when try to send and receive e-mail in Outlook and in Outlook Express

Article ID : 813514
Last Review : September 28, 2004
Revision : 1.0
On this Page


When you try to send and receive e-mail, you may receive an error message that is similar to one of the following: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. The server could not be found. (Account:account name, POPserver:'mail', Error Number: 0x800ccc0d) Task 'server name - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x800ccc0f): 'The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded: ? K' Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account. account name, Server: 'server name', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '+OK', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): N0, Error Number: 0x800ccc0f Task 'SMTP server name - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x80042109): 'Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).' The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP) server 0x8004210a A time-out occurred while communicating with the server 0x800ccc19You may also receive an error message that includes one or more of the following error codes:



These error messages may occur if Microsoft Outlook or if Microsoft Outlook Express cannot establish a connection with your e-mail server. These error messages are frequently caused by one of the following:

Incorrect account settings
Misconfiguration of personal firewall software
Antivirus software
A bad modem
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size
Outlook Express has been removed from the computer or the installation is damaged
Your user profile in Outlook is damaged
An e-mail item on your POP3 server is damaged


To work around this problem, use one of the following methods, depending on your situation.

Method 1: Confirm that your e-mail server settings are correct

For information about the correct settings for your e-mail server, contact your Internet service provider (ISP) or system administrator.

Note Some ISPs do not permit message routing through another SMTP server while you are connected to their network. To resolve this problem, replace the SMTP server for the other ISP or the other e-mail account with the SMTP server that is associated with the ISP that you use to connect to the Internet.

If you notice that your account settings have been changed to "Localhost" in the Post Office Protocol (POP) server settings and "account name/pop server name" in the Account Name box on the Server tab and you are using Trend Micro PC-cillin antivirus software, disable the POP3 Scan feature (Pop3trap.exe) of the Trend PC-cillin software. To do this, follow these steps:

1. In the notification area of the taskbar, double-click the PC-cillin icon.
2. Click to clear the Enable POP3 Scan check box.
3. Reconfigure your POP3 e-mail account in Outlook with the correct settings.

Additionally, it has also been reported that you may have to turn off the PC-cillin Web-Filter option, the Web Security option, and the Enable POP3 Scan option.

Method 2: Check the configuration of your firewall software

Configure your firewall software to grant access to the Internet for the following files:

For Outlook Express: Msimn.exe
For Outlook: Outlook.exe

By default, most e-mail clients have to have outbound access on port 25 and inbound access on port 110. For more information about the ports that communicate with your e-mail server, contact your ISP or system administrator.

Firewall software that has been known to cause this problem includes products by the following vendors:

Freedom Security Zero Knowledge

McAfee Personal Firewall

Check your configuration settings in the McAfee Personal Firewall program and make sure that Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express has full access.

For more information about how to configure McAfee Personal Firewall, visit the following McAfee Web site: http://www.mcafee.comAlternatively, you can remove and reinstall the McAfee Personal Firewall program. The reinstallation process recreates the program signature file that is used by the firewall. Additionally, this process makes sure that both Outlook and Outlook Express are included in the list of programs where Internet access is permitted.

Norton Personal Firewall (Symantec)

If you are running Norton Personal Firewall 2002, Norton Internet Security, or Norton SystemWorks software by Symantec, remove your Norton Person Firewall or Norton Internet Security software. If the problem is resolved, you can reinstall your Norton software and the problem should not happen again.

Method 3: Check your antivirus vendor's Web site for additional suggestions

If your antivirus solution includes an e-mail scanning feature, you may have to do additional configuration to use Outlook or Outlook Express with the antivirus e-mail scanning feature.

Antivirus software that has been known to cause this problem includes products by the following vendors:

Symantec (Norton)
Trend Micro (PC-cillin)

For more information, visit the following Web sites:

Symantec: http://www.symantec.com/techsupp/McAfee: http://us.mcafee.com/root/support.asp?cid=9045Trend Micro: http://kb.trendmicro.com/solutions/default.asp?cType=3&prodID=0&versionID=0Panda: http://www.pandasoftware.com/support/default.aspxMicrosoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.

Method 4: Determine if your modem is functioning correctly

Contact the vendor of your modem to determine if there are any known issues or updates for the type of modem you are using.

TimeWarner RoadRunner cable service has confirmed that there is a known problem with the older Toshiba models of their cable modems.

Method 5: Verify the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size that is set on your router

The MTU size set on your router may not let packets larger than a certain size to pass through. These types of errors generally occur if you are connecting to the Internet through a Linksys BEFSR41 router, a Linksys BEFSR81 router, or a Linksys BEFW11S4 router. These routers have Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) problems that may cause timeout errors when you send e-mail messages.

To resolve this problem, change the MTU setting for your router. For information about how to do this, view the documentation that is included with your router, or visit the following Linksys Web site: http://www.linksys.com/support/support.asp?spid=87Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information. Note This problem may also occur if there is a misconfigured router or device between the user and their mail provider. These types of devices are known as 'black hole' routers.

For additional information on troubleshooting "black hole" router issues, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 314825 How to Troubleshoot Black Hole Router Issues 159211 Diagnoses and Treatment of Black Hole Routers 156438 Internet Mail or News Reader Software Hangs or Times Out

Method 6: Remove and then reinstall Outlook Express

If Outlook Express has been removed from your computer or the installation of Outlook Express is damaged, Outlook will not function correctly and may generate one of the error messages that are mentioned in the "Symptoms" section. To resolve this problem, reinstall Outlook Express.

For additional information, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 318378 How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows XP 263837 OLEXP: How to Manually Remove and Reinstall Outlook Express in Windows 2000 256219 OLEXP: How to Manually Uninstall and Reinstall Outlook Express 5.x and For additional information explaining why Outlook Express is required to use Outlook, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 230076 Why Outlook 2000 Requires Outlook Express

Method 7: Create a new e-mail profile

You may be able to resolve these problems by creating a new e-mail profile.

For additional information about how to create profiles in Outlook, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 829918 How to create a new e-mail profile in Outlook 2003 287072 OL2002: How to Create a New E-mail Profile for Outlook 195718 OL2002: How to Create a New E-mail Profile for Outlook

Method 8: Delete suspicious messages from your mailbox

If there is a damaged message in your mailbox, you can resolve this by doing one of the following:

Contact your ISP and ask them to delete any suspicious e-mail.
Delete any suspicious e-mail by accessing your mailbox by using your ISP's Web-based e-mail program.


If the error code is accompanied by a timeout error message, you may be able to resolve this problem by increasing the server timeout setting in Outlook or in Outlook Express. To increase the server timeout setting, use one of the following methods.

Outlook 2000 (CW)

1. Start Outlook.
2. On the Tools menu, click Services.
3. On the Services tab, select Internet E-mail, and then click Properties.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. Gradually increase the server timeout setting until the problem is resolved.

Outlook 2000 (IMO)

1. Start Outlook.
2. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
3. Select the target account, and then click Properties.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. Gradually increase the server timeout setting until the problem is resolved.

Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2003

1. Start Outlook.
2. On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.
3. Click View or change existing e-mail accounts, and then click Next.
4. Click your POP3 account, and then click Change.
5. Click More Settings.
6. Click the Advanced tab.
7. Gradually increase the server timeout setting until the issue is resolved.

Outlook Express 5.x and 6.0

1. Start Outlook Express.
2. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
3. Click the Mail tab.
4. Click your POP3 account, and then click Properties.
5. Click the Advanced tab.
6. Gradually increase the server timeout setting until the problem is resolved.

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    How do I set up Outlook Express with my Brick Row Technical Services email account?

This section will take you through a step by step procedure to set up and use Outlook Express with your Brick Row Technical Services account.

Step 1:
From the Tools menu on the top menu bar of your Outlook Express program and click Accounts.

Step 2:
Click Add and then Mail on the top right side of the dialogue box.

Step 3:
Type in your Display Name. This is the name that will appear in the From field on your outgoing messages. Note: This is not your email address and could be something like Mom's Mail. Then click Next.

Step 4:
Type in your email address. This is the address people will use to send you an email. It will look similar to mom@brow.cc. Then click Next.

Step 5:
Select POP3 as the type of server you are using as your incoming mail server.

Type in your Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server names.
Incoming Mail Server Name: mail.brow.cc

Outgoing Mail Server Name: mail.brow.cc

Then click Next.

Step 6:
Type in your email address as your account name.

Type in your password.

Then click Next.

Step 7:
Click Finish.

Step 8:
Click on the new account name and then click Properties.

Step 9:
Click on the Servers tab.

Step 10:
In the Outgoing Mail Server section, check the box My server requires authentication.

*These instructions are for Outlook Express 6.

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I am getting duplicate email messages.
When you download your email you are finding that your messages keep being sent to you.

When you download your email from the mail server all the messages need to be cleared from your mailbox. Sometimes, especially if you have a large message waiting for you on the server, a message may not be downloaded correctly. The mailbox will not clear any of its current messages until ALL messages have been successfully retrieved.

What should I do about this?

  1. Be patient. A 56K modem will download your email, if things are working well, at around 12-15 megabytes an hour. If you have 20Meg of email it might take nearly 2 hours to clear it all.
  2. Check your mail via the webmail. This will allow you to see any messages there that may be congesting the queue. They can then be deleted and then purged to remove them from your mailbox before you download them.

When you retrieve email you mailbox is locked. This is to stop multiple sessions from accessing the mailbox. Make sure that your email programme (ie Outlook or Outlook Express) is closed before you use the webmail, and vice versa. If the mailbox appears to be locked due to a faulty download of mail then wait for 15 minutes before accessing the mail again.


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How to rid the system of Temporary Files Accumulated while surfing the web:

Click on Start...Settings...Control Panel....and Open "Internet Options".
Then, click on 'Tools' on the top line menu and select 'Internet Options'.

The General tab will show a 'Delete Files' button--Single Click on it.
This should produce a question 'Delete All Offline Content?"--check the box and click 'OK'

If available, you should also 'Delete Cookies' and 'Clear History' using the appropriate buttons on the same page.

After a while the hourglass will change back to your regular cursor and any open screens can be closed.
At this point, most all Internet Explorer generated temporary files willhave been deleted.





Discussion of AdWare and Spyware

How do I understand and deal with Spy Ware, a relatively
new kind of threat that common anti-virus applications do not yet cover
How do you get spyware?
What can be done to deal with these Spyware problems?

What is referred to as 'Spyware' and/or 'AdWare' is/are really types of intrusions to your computer allowing the intruders to gather data on your web/computer usage and is referred to as Data-mining, aggressive advertising, Parasites, Scumware, selected traditional Trojans, Dialers, Malware, Browser hijackers, and other tracking components.
If you see new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you didn't intentionally install, if your browser crashes, or if your browser start or Home page has changed without your knowing, you most probably have been infected. But even if you don't see anything, you may still be infected, because more and more of this type of activity is emerging that is silently tracking your surfing behavior to create a marketing profile of you that will be sold to advertisement companies.

A second explanation/definition of Spyware is software that runs silently on your computer, gathers information about you, and sends that information to a server on the Internet, which in turn uses that information to send you advertising, among other things. Not only does this software violate your privacy, a large amount of spyware on your computer will slow down your computer tremendously and present you with annoying pop-up ads.

How do I know if I have spyware on my computer?

Usually there are two symptoms of a spyware problem:

1) You get a ton of pop-up ads and
2) Your computer is running much slower than usual.

Also, poorly programmed spyware can cause your network connection to stop working.

These spyware programs are sneaky, and are installed through web page scripts or
3rd party installation programs, e.g., KaZaA.
When you install KaZaA or other file sharing applications you might be asked to
install a media helper program, or something sounding equally suspicious.
Don't install anything you aren't 100% sure what it does.

Where does spyware come from?

Due to a flaw in Internet Explorer and possibly other applications,
your computer can be infected with spyware/adware simply by visiting certain
websites. Other ways you can get spyware are by clicking on pop-up ads,
downloading free "goodie" software (such as cursors, screensavers, games, etc) that
are merely disguised spyware programs, and last but NOT least - using P2P file sharing
programs such as Kazaa, iMesh, BearShare, Gnutella, LimeWire, etc

Click Here to go back to Spyware discussion.

The two applications I use to remove this unwanted material from
computers are called
Spybot - Search & Destroy and Ad-Aware

Click below to be brought to the respective sites to learn about:

Spybot Search and Destroy
Ad-Aware ?
(use your browsers 'Back' button to return to this site)

Click below for a Step by Step Process on running:


How I run Ad-Aware once it is installed:
1. Double Click on the Desktop Icon
2. Click on 'Check for Updates'

3. Click the 'Connect' button.

4. Click the 'OK' button.

5. Click the 'Finish' button.

You now have the latest reference file for the latest spyware.

6. Click the 'Start' button to run Ad-aware.

7. Click the 'Next' button twice through two screens.

8. Right-click on a check box and choose 'Select all objects' if they are not already selected.

9. Click the 'Next' button.

10. Click the 'OK' button.

11. Exit the program.

You are done your computer is now adware free. I suggest that you
run Ad-aware every week or so to keep your computer clean and your bandwidth use efficient.

How do I run Spybot once it is installed?
1. Double Click on the Desktop Icon
2.If you are using a version of windows(ME, 2000, XP)that has System Restore,
disable System Restore before you run these scans.
These scans cannot check the System Restore files if they are not Disabled -
thus you do not get a complete scan.

To Enable/Disable System Restore:

* Open Control Panel
* Click the 'System' icon.
* Click on the 'System Restore' tab on the system applet.
* Put a tic in 'turn off system restore on all drives' to turn off system restore on the system.
* Take the tic out of the box to enable System Restore monitoring on the system. Click OK
Then Close the Control Panel and return to Spybot.

Go to the Update tab, and search for and install all updates.
You should be online for this step]

When downloading updates make sure you pick a download location.

You do not have to include the skins, all they are is files to make the spybot window look nicer.

After downloading all the updates, Click the Settings button in the left pane.

Then Click the Ignore Products button.

Then in the right pane go through all the tabs and remove all check marks. For some reason Spybot has decided that all of the problems do not need to be removed anymore. Other Spyware programs do feel these programs are spyware including MySearch and Newdot.net. Spybot must have a reason for putting them here so why they decided to set it as default not to remove ALL spyware is hard to understand.

Next in the left pane click the top button, Spybot-S&D button and then click on Check for Problems in the right pane.

Spybot will scan and list all problems it find as seen below.

Then have Spybot remove all it finds. (put a check in each box that Spybot finds).

Then at the top click "Fix selected problems"

Click Yes to remove the problems

Click Okay

NOTE: Spybot will sometimes not be able to remove all active components in the first "run".

In that case you will get a dialog asking you to run SSD at next re-start.

Click yes and reboot.

Subsequently Spybot will come up before the system puts these components 'in use', and it will then be able to 'fix' the rest.

Next you will want to Immunize the system, click on the Immunize Button in the left pane.

Spybot will Immnize the system and when it is finished you will get a saying all bad products are blocked.

On the Immunize page at the very bottom make sure "Enable permanent blocking of bad addresses in Internet Explorer is checked to help prevent future downloads of these problems. Now a word about this setting. It places a registry block so that changes cannot be made to IE Explorer and home page settings. IF you need to make changes in IE Explorer with this setting check you will have to uncheck it to make the changes for this setting locks the Registry.

Close the program, you are finished.


How Do I access brow.cc Web EMail?

In order to use Web EMail, you will need to log in to the email server--just as Outlook Express does each time it gets mail.

To Log In, go to www.brickrow.net and click on the little Blue Square near the center of the page(see below):

On the subsequent screen, you will need to key in your email address and pasword..as per below:



Once you are logged in you will be able to read, create and send mail along with all auxiliary functions such as creating folders and address books, etc.

I am frequently disconnected from the Internet:

  Getting dropped offline?

There are several causes of dropped connections.
  • Problem:
    Everytime I someone tries to called me I get bumped offline. What is going on?
  • Solution:
    Do you have Call Waiting? Chances are that you do. So what you need to do is open your shortcut to MIS or Midcoast.com. Now you in front of the telephone number that is there you will want to add the following: *70, . For example: If you are using the telephone number of 1-500-699-7200 it should look like this: *70,1-500-699-7200 or *70,15006997200. Now when someone tries to call you when your on the internet, they will get a busy signal instead of knocking you offline. Just remember you can revese this process anytime by removing the *70,.
  • Problem:
    With modems the most common cause of disconnects is connecting at TOO FAST a speed, causing frequent modem retrains, which in turn cause frequent disconnects. Most telephone lines will not support the maximum speed of the modem. With V.34 modems the best you should expect is 24,400 and any time you get a higher speed connection expect more frequent disconnects. With V.90 56Kbps modems, the expectations are highly dependent upon how the telephone company has provisioned your service and expectations range from a low of V.34 speeds to around 48K. The local loop to the Telco is very high quality so the modems will be fooled into training to a speed that your local loop from your house to your Telco will not support for very long unless you are very close in cable feet to the Telco.  Speed renegotiations is the most problematic code in modems and you can not rely on it to hold a connection, in many cases it will fail and you will be disconnected. 
  • Solution:
    Try dropping your connect speed by forcing a lower speed, if that stops the disconnect then line noise may be the problem.

  • Problem:
    The second most common cause of disconnects is modem incompatibilities, again typically related to re-trains. Get the latest firmware revision for your modem. Don't assume because you bought your modem recently it has current firmware. The statement 'my modem has no problems with Joe's Internet Service' is not particularly meaningful. Every modem will be compatible with someone, but we have yet to see the modem that is compatible with everyone. Our systems have been very reliable with current versions of firmware on modems from Hayes, Zoom, Supra, Motorola and many others... the biggest headaches come from the very low cost units ( namely WinModems, better known as LoseModems ). As modems become faster they also become more complex. Some modems have a way to record the reason why a connection failed. Popular methods include the ATi2 or AT&V1 command ( these are modem specific, your modem may vary ). 
  • Solution:
    First, avoid WinModems like the plague.  Second, try using an external version of another brand modem and see if the problems disappear. 

  • Problem:
    Another common cause of disconnects is line noise. 
  • Solution:
    Unplug EVERYTHING connected to your phone lines: caller ID boxes, extension telephones, cordless telephones, other modems, fax machines, etc. Also unplug your laser printer and microwave oven from the AC wall outlet. We have learned that many telephone line surge protectors or noise filters will seriously impair your phone line. The modem should be the ONLY thing connected to your phone lines.  If the problem goes away, then you have something in your house causing you to disconnect. Do not route the phone line within three inches of any electrical cord or extension cord, or PC CPU cable, Printer cable, Monitor cable, any electrical appliance or power supply. Especially avoid laser printers, cordless telephones and uninterruptable power supplies ( UPS ). Inductance from electrical lines and radio transmitters wreaks havoc with phone lines.

  • Problem:
    If the line noise is not being induced inside your house it may be induced in the cable somewhere between your house and your local telephone exchange central office. Your line may have a one or more of conditions the Telco calls bridge, ground loop, cross talk, or bad loading coil. Any of these conditions will cause random noise and unpredictable disconnects. 
  • Solution:
    For noisy lines, try increasing a setting that tells the modem how long to wait ( in tenths of a second ) before hanging up when it loses carrier detect. This guard time allows the modem to distinguish between a line hit, or other disturbance that momentarily breaks the connection, from a true disconnect by the remote modem. For example: S10=100 setting will make your modem wait 10 seconds to make sure the other modem is really gone before hanging up. If this seems to help, contact your phone company and request the line be checked for noise at the network demarcation block at your house. Do not let them just check the line from the central office end, ask to meet the repairman at your house and get him to report the results of his tests to you. If you encounter resistance from them because you have a modem, call back and tell them your fax machine is not working well with your phone line. 

    Sometimes defective cables and loose connections will cause disconnects. For external modems, if the serial cable is old, adapter pins bent, or cable cracked, replace it or try another one. Make sure your serial connections are TIGHT. Examine your telephone cable between the wall jack and the modem, or better still try replacing it. If portions of the telephone cable between the network interface and your wall jack have been stapled to the wall, examine the cable carefully. If possible try another jack, or the jack on the Telco network interface itself.

  • Problem:
    You may have a hardware conflict. Frequently we have seen internal modem cards configured in conflict with another COM port which will seem to work OK for a few minutes of the connection and then just freeze up. Check to see that your motherboard com2 port does not conflict with your modem, see your modem documentation for instructions on detecting and correcting IRQ conflicts. Also, if you have an Ethernet Card in your PC and an internal modem, it is almost certainly causing some problems with high speed modem connections over 9600 baud.
  • Solution:
    The only cure we have found is to remove the Ethernet card or use an external modem on an high speed serial port.

  • Problem:
    We have a 15 minute idle timer, which means if you leave your computer logged in, but do nothing which exchanges data over the link, then your call will be disconnected after 15 minutes of idle time. An example might be reading mail, then without a logout begin using MS Word to prepare a document to respond to a mail message you received. Using your word processor on your computer will not cause any data to be transmitted, so 15 minutes later the call will be disconnected. 
  • Solution ( for non-timeout related issues ):
    Some PC's have built in idle timers of their own. Win98, for example, has a 20 minute idle timer which is NOT enabled by default but which may have been inadvertently enabled and set to 3 minutes!  Although rare, your modem may be set up to automatically disconnect after a certain period of inactivity. You may be able to fix the carrier loss problem by adding these settings to your modem initialization string: S19=0 This disables the inactivity timeout on most modems. If you want your modem to timeout and hang-up after a certain amount of time, you can replace the 0 with the number of minutes you want it to timeout after ( up to 255 minutes ).

  • Call Waiting:
    If you have call waiting, make sure you disable this feature before connecting to the Internet. Disable call waiting is usually an additional service you must purchase from your local phone company. Call your phone company if you are unsure how to disable this feature on you phone. To automatically disable call waiting before connecting to the Internet do the following:
Before clicking the Connect button when connecting to the Internet, click the Dial Properties button.
Select This location has call waiting... and enter the code to disable call waiting.
Click OK.
  • Generally, you should hold a connection for as long as you wish.... there will ALWAYS be an occasional disconnect, we are after all dealing with phone lines which may be 20 years old or more, pushed to the very limits of their capacity when using the latest generation of modems. But you should not get repeated disconnects.  If you do, something is wrong and you should methodically follow the steps above.


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